
Има четири деца и вежба: Оваа мајка е фитнес инспирацијата која ја чекавте!

Забавно видео од мајка која успеала фитнес рутината да ја прилагоди на животот во домаќинството.

Таа преку нејзините вежби си игра со нејзините деца, ги бања, чисти, забавува и воедно ги учи на здрав и активен живот. Доколку ви фалеше инспирација за да се размрдате, ова видео ќе го направи токму тоа за вас.

Tips for your body and family <3Credit: @bwmcfitness

Posted by Olipretty on Monday, March 14, 2016

I once read an article that discussed ways to know you are ready to have a a baby, and one of them was to take a goat or two to the grocery store with you! ??? This still makes me laugh because it is so spot on! I avoid taking all 4 of my boys to the grocery store with me at the same time, but if I must it is a well thought out mission with a plan for a quick escape! ?? The good news is that it has become much easier with my two oldest. Just this past year they have really started to help me when going grocery shopping where they help select and weigh our fruits and vegetables and suggest new ones for us to try. ???? Recently we were at the grocery store, and my oldest asked for us to get a black carrot because he was curious about it, so of course we tried it! ?? As a Mama I want to instill healthy eating habits in my boys. @acefitness recommends filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal, and although my boys are not there yet, including them in our grocery shopping motivates them to fill their plate a bit more. I’m a big believer in small steps towards change, and even if my boys don’t finish all of fruits and veggies yet, they are learning about a healthy lifestyle and that is a wonderful step! ? Beautiful leggings by @fsafitness

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