
Неверојатна промена: Совети од девојка која ослабела 50 кг без гладување

Се наслушавме секакви тајни за успешно слабеење, но оваа која ја промовира Џени Јан – Худек сигурно е една од најдобрите.

Нејзината приказна сигурно ќе им биде позната на сите кои се борат со вишок килограми. Пред две години Џени имала 130 килограми и неуспешно се обидувала да ослабе. По професија е медицинска сестра и добро знае какви се последиците од дебелината, но ниту тоа не ѝ помогнало да ги изгуби несаканите килограми.

I’m feeling a bit better, I’m starting to feel like myself again! Monday was a good day on the eating plan and Tuesday was too. I have been totally inconsistent with my strength training and it shows. I have lost a lot of tone and gained weight.. Much more fluffy than I’d like. I’m no different than most… I struggle with insecurities, in fact up until a year ago I NEVER wore sleeveless tops. My arms bothered me a lot. I’ve done a lot of growing and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable… I am a lot better than I was. Confidence does not automatically come with weight loss, it comes with doing things -trying things outside your comfort zone and realizing you can! Yesterday though, I felt like a beginner again and I could have pointed out a bunch of things I didn’t like about myself – feeling insecure. I listened to music that makes me feel tough (Eric church every time ?) and I put on a tank top and went to the gym anyway. I got in the weight room amongst the men and I focused on my planned set of exercises… I stayed focused. ‘I may not be where I want to be but I’m closer than I was yesterday’ ? I’m on Facebook ??Jenny’s Losing It #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightloss #smartpoints #WWfam #workout #fat2fit #loveyourself #health #justdoit #gfrr #weightlossmotivation #fitfam #transformation #fitness #trynewthings #nevergiveup #dontquit #strongmom #nurse #nurselife #nsv #eatclean #pushyourself #changeisgood #eatclean #noexcuses #imnoquitter #100lbslost

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Сè се променило кога на крајот од 2013 година завршила во болница поради проблеми со дишењето. Тогаш за прв пат сфатила која е најголемата грешка која ја правела во текот на сите свои диети – наместо да слабее поради здравјето, се обидувала да ги изгуби килограмите само поради изгледот.

Таа смета дека токму тоа била причината која и` го саботирала процесот на слабеење. Дури кога станала свесна за тоа што дебелината му прави на нејзиното здравје, донела цврста одлука за промена на начинот на исхрана.

It would have been so easy to just give up and go back to mindless eating and not having to plan my next workout… Sometimes that sounds like freedom. But that’s where the mind is wrong. That is not freedom at all -that is the way to stay stuck and unhappy. The true freedom is being able to have a million more options of stores to shop at… True freedom is no back pain or shortness of breath… Keeping up with kids. True freedom is being really proud of yourself for working really hard and through the urge to quit -and seeing results! It’s all a matter of changing the way we think about things. ‘Sometimes overcoming a challenge is as simple as changing the way you think about it’ Don’t give up!! I’m on Facebook??Jenny’s Losing It #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightloss #smartpoints #WWfam #workout #fat2fit #loveyourself #health #justdoit #gfrr #weightlossmotivation #fitfam #transformation #fitness #trynewthings #nevergiveup #dontquit #strongmom #nurse #nurselife #nsv #eatclean #pushyourself #changeisgood #eatclean #yesyoucan #noexcuses #imnoquitter #100lbslost

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Џени тврди дека здравјето би требало да биде главната и единствена цел на сите луѓе кои се борат со килограмите, но претежно е полесно да се биде фкусиран на конфекциските броеви и тесната половина.

„Немојте да гладувате“, е нејзиниот главен совет за сите оние кои се обидуваат да ослабат.

Transformation Tuesday When people used to talk about running I thought they were crazy! I really did think it was for other people… Not someone like me. It just sounded impossible. After I lost 60lbs I decided to give running a try with a beginner interval and going easy, but my knee really hurt after that one time and I decided I needed to give up on the idea of running. It truly was something impossible for me… Buut After 100lbs lost, The thought of running started bugging me again, so I thought I would give it another try and see how it would go… My first attempt gave me no pain! I signed up for this 5k run awhile ago and my run training had not been very consistent. My husband asked me what I was going to do… I said ‘I’ll just walk and run in intervals like I always do’ The day of the run was very hot… They even shortened the half marathon to 12k.. I thought well I’ll just jog slow and stop when I need to… But guess what?!! I didn’t need to!!! I ran the whole 5k without stopping!!… I still can’t believe I did that!!! My official time was 35min!! I’m still so shocked!! This is the most amazing part of the journey, -finding out you CAN actually do or experience things that you once thought was impossible!! There is no greater feeling! Please share something you’ve done that you thought you never would!!?? I’m on Facebook??Jennys Losing It #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightloss #smartpoints #WWfam #workout #fat2fit #loveyourself #health #justdoit #gfrr #weightlossmotivation #fitfam #transformation #fitness #trynewthings #nevergiveup #dontquit #strongmom #nurse #nurselife #nsv #eatclean #pushyourself #changeisgood #eatclean #noexcuses #imnoquitter #100lbslost @flexitpink @theweighwewere @weightwatchers

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„Започнав да вежбам дома со пријателка. Бев во толку лоша форма, што после првиот тренинг не можев да се помрднам пет дена. Вежбавме и понатаму, а после секој тренинг моето закрепнување беше пократко“, искрено признава Џени.

Секако, го променила и начинот на исхрана која била составена од пици, леб, тестенини и брза храна.

Таа одлучила да ја исфрли однапред зготвената или замрзната храна и сите преработени намирници и да ги замени со здрави намирници. Повеќе не пиела газирани сокови, наместо нив почнала да пие многу вода и чаеви.

The biggest mistake I see people make is they get overwhelmed with how much it will take to get to the final goal and think it’s impossible. But what if your goal was not 100lbs but just 10? Start there and focus on what you have to today and this week. Go easy on yourself and try your best. Chances are even without being perfect, you could be better than you were last week with just some effort… And then make a new goal next week. Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. -Buddha I’m on Facebook??Jenny’s Losing It #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightloss #smartpoints #WWfam #workout #fat2fit #loveyourself #health #justdoit #gfrr #weightlossmotivation #fitfam #transformation #fitness #trynewthings #nevergiveup #dontquit #strongmom #nurse #nurselife #nsv #eatclean #pushyourself #changeisgood #noexcuses #imnoquitter #100lbslost @theweighwewere

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Однапред ги планирала сите свои оброци за да заштеди на време и благодарение на тоа никогаш не била гладна.

„Што се однесува до мојата крајна цел, сфатив дека не постои крај на оваа трка. Важно е само да останам здрава и тоа е планот до кој ќе се држам“, заклучува одлучната Џени.

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