
Забавни фотографии од поларно мече кое првпат излегува на снег

Фотографка поминала 117 часа на екстремно ниски температури за да улови интересен момент.

Дејзи Џилјардини имала мисија да го фотографира првото излегување на семејство поларни мечки од нивното дувло на лов за храна, кога едно од мечињата одлучило дека е подобро да се прикачи за мајка си одошто да оди низ длабокиот снег.

PIC FROM DAISY GILARDINI/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Polar bear cub hitching a ride on mamas bum at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada) -This is the cute moment a cute cub decided to hitch a lift on its mums bear bum. The four-month-old cheeky baby bear must have had some tired paws as it opted for a beary-back-ride instead of walking during what was one of its first trips out of the den. Polar bear cubs and their mum usually spend the first three months of their lives in a den. The two had only just come out into the wild and were presumably foraging for food to hunt. It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the bears exit from the den and incredibly, these photographs were the result of 117 HOURS OF WAITING. Professional wildlife and nature photographer Daisy Gilardini, spent nearly two weeks waiting in front of a polar bear den with winds gusting to 60-70 km/h. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM DAISY GILARDINI/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Polar bear cub hitching a ride on mamas bum at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada) -This is the cute moment a cute cub decided to hitch a lift on its mums bear bum. The four-month-old cheeky baby bear must have had some tired paws as it opted for a beary-back-ride instead of walking during what was one of its first trips out of the den. Polar bear cubs and their mum usually spend the first three months of their lives in a den. The two had only just come out into the wild and were presumably foraging for food to hunt. It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the bears exit from the den and incredibly, these photographs were the result of 117 HOURS OF WAITING. Professional wildlife and nature photographer Daisy Gilardini, spent nearly two weeks waiting in front of a polar bear den with winds gusting to 60-70 km/h. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM DAISY GILARDINI/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Polar bear cub hitching a ride on mamas bum at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada) -This is the cute moment a cute cub decided to hitch a lift on its mums bear bum. The four-month-old cheeky baby bear must have had some tired paws as it opted for a beary-back-ride instead of walking during what was one of its first trips out of the den. Polar bear cubs and their mum usually spend the first three months of their lives in a den. The two had only just come out into the wild and were presumably foraging for food to hunt. It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the bears exit from the den and incredibly, these photographs were the result of 117 HOURS OF WAITING. Professional wildlife and nature photographer Daisy Gilardini, spent nearly two weeks waiting in front of a polar bear den with winds gusting to 60-70 km/h. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM DAISY GILARDINI/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Polar bear cub hitching a ride on mamas bum at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada) -This is the cute moment a cute cub decided to hitch a lift on its mums bear bum. The four-month-old cheeky baby bear must have had some tired paws as it opted for a beary-back-ride instead of walking during what was one of its first trips out of the den. Polar bear cubs and their mum usually spend the first three months of their lives in a den. The two had only just come out into the wild and were presumably foraging for food to hunt. It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the bears exit from the den and incredibly, these photographs were the result of 117 HOURS OF WAITING. Professional wildlife and nature photographer Daisy Gilardini, spent nearly two weeks waiting in front of a polar bear den with winds gusting to 60-70 km/h. SEE CATERS COPY

Имено, новородените поларни мечиња поминуваат 3-4 месеци во дувло пред да излезат на снег за првпат. Тоа најчесто се случува во средината на февруари.

„Екстремно е тешко и ретко да бидете сведок на моментот кога мечките излегуваат од своите дувла, затоа што треба да се подложите на екстремно тешки услови“ – рекла Дејзи.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) mother with cubs playing and cuddling in a day den. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

PIC FROM DAISY GILARDINI/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Polar bear cub hitching a ride on mamas bum at Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada) -This is the cute moment a cute cub decided to hitch a lift on its mums bear bum. The four-month-old cheeky baby bear must have had some tired paws as it opted for a beary-back-ride instead of walking during what was one of its first trips out of the den. Polar bear cubs and their mum usually spend the first three months of their lives in a den. The two had only just come out into the wild and were presumably foraging for food to hunt. It is extremely difficult and rare to witness the bears exit from the den and incredibly, these photographs were the result of 117 HOURS OF WAITING. Professional wildlife and nature photographer Daisy Gilardini, spent nearly two weeks waiting in front of a polar bear den with winds gusting to 60-70 km/h. SEE CATERS COPY

Polar Bear family. (Ursus Maritimus) Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada February - March 2008

Polar Bear family. (Ursus Maritimus) Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada February - March 2008

За професионалната фотографка од Канада особено бил интересен моментот кога малото мече се прикачило за мајката мечка, затоа што тоа било невообичаено однесување за овој вид животни.

„Тоа беше неверојатно смешно и неочекувано однесување“ – изјавила таа.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) mother with cubs. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

Polar Bear family. (Ursus Maritimus) Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada February - March 2008

Portrait of Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus) Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada November 2008

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) mother with cubs at sunset. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) cub playing going up and sliding down a slope. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) cubs sparring or playfighting. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) cubs playing. Wapusk National Park - Manitoba - Canada

Настанот се случил во Национален парк во Манитоба, Канада.

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