
9 инспиративни блогери кои го менуваат поимот за убавина

Веќе три месеци сме во 2018-та година, и изгледа дека ова ќе биде година на промени – за тоа придонесуваат овие 9 фантастични блогери …

Минатата година, видовме повеќе бунт и борба за еднаквост. Се прошири на сите сфери на животот, бидејќи сите сме различни. Многу блогери за убавина исто така се истакнаа, со нивниот атипичен изглед ги скршнуваат стандардите на убавината и промовираат љубов за себе преку социјалните мрежи.

Погледнете колку се сите посебни на свој начин…

1. Evita Patcey Delmundo


2. Khoudia Diop 

3. Michaela Davert 

4. Cacsmy Brutus 

5. Emily Jones  

6. Morgan Mikenas 

7. Yasmin Taylor 

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I keep getting private messages about how I inspire people with my posts on alopecia and it warms my heart so thank you 💜 Which made me realise I haven't done an alopecia post for a while… I find it so strange how alopecia makes me feel so self confident yet so self conscious at the same time. Some weeks I look in the mirror and don't even take a second look at my head, I go out and don't even notice the weird looks I get – it just doesn't phase me. But then some days I look at myself in the mirror and just see a gross horrible mess and I feel like just covering it up because I can't even bare to look at it and it gets me frustrated. The days I feel gross I push myself not to cover it up because I don't want to feel like I'm hiding it. If you notice…I said 'some weeks' and 'some days' basically I'm just trying to get across that I feel good about myself 90% of the time, it's just hard sometimes and I do really struggle with finding myself attractive which is something I'm trying to work on. I know I'm not alone with any of this and people who suffer with alopecia or any other disorders which makes them look different will feel exactly the same, they will also have good day/ weeks/ months and bad days/ weeks/ months. We are only human at the end of the day, we can only handle so much and you have to accept that. I know if I'm having a rubbish day about my alopecia I know that in a few days time I'll be totally fine, I know that how I'm feeling will pass. You can't be angry at yourself because of it – it is a hard condition to have especially when we live (unfortunately) in a world where your appearance matters a lot – everyone is striving to look 'perfect' but what is perfect anyway? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and one day you and I will be perfect to someone. But until that day comes focus on loving yourself, flaws and all! Be kind, be confident, be positive, be creative, be you! Don't worry about others. Let your personality shine through!! Alopecia has changed me so much as a person, (I like to think in a good way) I might not have my hair anymore but I have become a better person and for me that is more important 😘😍💜💩 #alopecia #thebaldmovement

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8. Jauan Durbin 

9. Beck Jackson 


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