
Фотографии кои ќе ве охрабрат да патувате сами

Патувањата најчесто се доживуваат во кругот на нашите најблиски. Но, колку и да ни се драги, некогаш е тешко да се прилагодиме со нив. Затоа често луѓето се одлучуваат да патуваат сами.

✧ Everything starts as a daydream ☾☼

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Доколку се одлучите да патувате сами , патувањето не само што ќе придонесе многу за вашето созревање како личност, туку и ќе ве направи да доживеете многу незаборавни авантури. Не бидете скептични и не се плашете да го превземете овој чекор кој ве прави побогата и повесела личност.

Погледнете неколку фотографии кои можеби ќе ве охрабрат за да се решите да отпатувате некаде соло.

‘When I think of travelling, it seems strange to say, but i don’t really care for fancy dinners & sipping cocktails in Mykonos. I can’t fully enjoy that, because I just feel like I should be doing something. Creating something. Learning something. Helping someone. Working somewhere. Making something. Someone once told me the different between a tourist & a traveller, and I’ve completely forgotten everything they said, but I’m sure it was very insightful and moving. So here’s me, shocked and crying with joy, in 1 of the top 5 moments of my life thus far. Four orphaned baboons – napping on me instead of fighting each other or biting little chunks out of my calves. After weeks, I had finally bonded with them ALL, and they trusted me enough to be their alpha. Also, more importantly, note that they groomed me and I actually looked like a baboon. SO – look up volunteer programs, read a book you’ve always wanted to read, learn to cook a traditional dish, stay in someone’s home instead of a hotel. ENRICH YA LIFE. ‘Cause damn it feels good.’ This #tbt, we’re getting out vibes from globelle @alicebalance, whose real talk we adore almost as much as this photographic evidence of her Baboon bonding at Harnas Wildlife Foundation, Namibia, Africa. Thank you for continually inspiring us lady! We’re not in anyway out to judge anyone who does fancy dinners & sipping cocktails in Mykonos (HQ can be quite partial to it…), but we know that it’s not for everyone, not all of the time. So we want to know how you’re enriching your life, be it when on the road, or how you’re keeping that adventurous spirit alive in-between trips. As always, simply #globelletravels for your chance to be featured. Safe travels + Globelle Love! x #globelle #travel #wildlife #conservation

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