
Фасцинантни фотографии од необичен црн пантер кој шета низ џунглите во Индија

Неверојатен филм и фотографии од неостварливата и величествена црна мачка од џунглата ги сними Јунг во шумата Кабини во Карнатака, Индија.

Фото-стрелецот и филмски продуцент за диви животни Шааз Јунг се врати во џунглите на Јужна Индија, каде што уживаше во поголемиот дел од своето детство, откако студираше економија на Универзитетот во Утрехт во Европа. Доживотната фасцинација на Јунг со џунглата и дивите мачки, леопардите и особено чудните црни пантери, беше толку силна што ја направи кариерата да се претвори од корпоративен во конзерваторски и невообичаен фотограф.

Истражувањето и разбирањето на животот на господарите на темнината е главната цел на Јунг. Тој ја истражува шумата Кабини во Карнатака во Индија за да го оствари својот сон тој се врати и не само што поседува широко знаење, туку и со неверојатен филм и фотографии од неостварливата и кралска црна мачка од џунглата.


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I studied the jungle and drew intricate patterns of shadow art, tracked creatures of the moon with an astrological chart, I’ve seen the flight of a Ghost-bird and how it changed through the seasons, how her swan-song summoned a Phoenix to defeat all the demons, I’ve followed the sun through its cycles, followed ancient tribes who gathered their disciples, I’ve immersed myself in the jungles endless knowledge bases, but not a step closer to understanding the basics. . . For a moonlit vibe, who better than the night himself? It’s hard to comprehend how easily this animal would probably blend into the night. Hard to visualise how ethereal it may be to see him in nothing but the moonshine. As obscure as darkness, we’d be oblivious to his presence but for the occasional hints of luminous eyes and white canines. In search of the unknown, here’s a visual concept of what it could look like, however the real magic that resonates around it lies in the fact that we will never know. . . #shaazjung #nikon #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #earthpix #blackpanther

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„Поминав две и пол години во шумата Кабини, помеѓу декември 2017 година и јануари 2020 година, со дозвола за снимање. Оваа дозвола за снимање ни пружи можност [јас и тимот] да снимаме документарец за црниот пантер за „Нешнл географик“. –вели Јунг.




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An eerie glow of first light hangs between the trees, silhouettes of branches dance without their leaves, wicked is the wind that waltzes thick as thieves, frigid is the mist for in it something breathes. . . This image does absolutely no justice to what we had witnessed that morning. We drove out at first light and watched darkness lift to reveal nothing but ambiguous shapes in the thick mist. We parked ourselves under the old Banyan, where he was seen the day before. The silence was deafening and dawn was like the dead of night. No songbirds sang, no crickets hummed yet there was an eerie sensation of being watched. Spending years on the same track, tracking the same animals, strengthens your intuition and within minutes a ghostly figure slowly took shape on the road ahead. It drifted by us in absolute silence and was by far my most chilling experience with the black panther. . . View my story for the BTS video. At this point, the light was far better but the image above was shot in extremely low light. I’ve played around with it in post to revive some light but kept it dark to try and retain some of it’s original vibe. . . #shaazjung #nikonz7 #nikonasia #blackpanther #wildlife #nature #natgeo #nikon #kabini

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This year was about exploring the unexplored and understanding the unfathomable. My 2019 belonged to the worlds most elusive. Over 150 sightings, 8TB of images, 50TB of footage, a National Geographic film and lifetime of unforgettable memories. We spent ten hours a day, everyday, trying to understand the black panther but true wisdom in the jungle is knowing you know nothing about its true origins. Everyday was a journey into the unknown, as we attempted to unravel the secrets of a cat very few have documented long enough to understand not just his character, but also the little idiosyncrasies that make him unique. The result is an overwhelming portfolio, and possibly the first in the world, of a melanistic leopard in the wild hunting, mating, fighting and thriving against the odds of natural selection. I want to thank all of you for being a part of my journey this year. The jungle can be a lonely place but thanks to all of you, never have I felt alone. Nature is where it all begins and I hope my work this year has inspired you to fall in love with the wilderness and visit the jungles. Have a wonderful new year and see you on the flip side. Shaaz . . Here are ten panther images from 2019. Which one was your favourite? . . #shaazjung #blackpanther #natgeo #natgeowild #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography

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A tale of two tails. . . #shaazjung #nikon #blackpanther #nature #wildlife

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The forest of the undying, where darkness forever descends. . . Photographed last evening. . . #shaazjung #nikon #nature #wildlife

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