
Медиумите шпекулираат: Војвотката Меган Маркл повторно бремена по 4 месеци од породувањето?

Странски извори тврдат дека војвотката од Сасекс и принцот Хари го очекуваат своето второ дете

Можеби уште една крштевка е на патот.
Тричленото кралско семејство од Сасекс моментално се наоѓа на турнеа во Јужна Африка, а нивните ангажмани уште од првиот ден активно ги споделуваат на социјалните мрежи, па не е ни чудно што луѓето забележаа нешто невообичаено кај Меган Маркл.
Фановите на кралскиот пар нагодуваат дека војводката од Сасекс е повторно бремена. Према известувањата од „Експрес“, неколку детали доведоа до заклучок фановите да го мислат тоа а еден од нив е тоа што војдводката на првиот ден од турнеата беше облечена во истиот плав фустан кој го носеше кога ја објави својата прва бременост, исто така таа постојано носи широка облека што наведува фановите да мислат дека се обидува да го сокрие трудничкиот стомак.

Дали на пат доаѓа уште една принова во семејството, ќе дознаеме наскоро.



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“Simi kunye kulesisimo” – ‘We stand together in this moment’ The Duchess of Sussex has tied a ribbon at the site where 19-year-old Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana was murdered last month, to pay her respects and to show solidarity with those who have taken a stand against gender based violence and femicide. Over the last month in Capetown, protests erupted through the streets in outrage over GBV in South Africa. The Duke and Duchess had been following what had happened from afar and were both eager to learn more when they arrived in South Africa. The Duchess spoke to the mother of Uyinene this week to relay their condolences. Visiting the site of this tragic death and being able to recognise Uyinene, and all women and girls effected by GBV (specifically in South Africa, but also throughout the world) was personally important to The Duchess. Uyinene’s death has mobilised people across South Africa in the fight against gender based violence, and is seen as a critical point in the future of women’s rights in South Africa. The Duchess has taken private visits and meetings over the last two days to deepen her understanding of the current situation and continue to advocate for the rights of women and girls. For more information on the recent events in SA, please continue to follow our tour #AmINext

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More images from Heritage Day in Bo Kaap. As part of their visit, Their Royal Highnesses visited the Auwal Mosque – the first and oldest Mosque in South Africa. Standing as a symbol of the freedom of former slaves to worship, the Mosque hosts events with Muslim, Christian and Jewish young leaders, and encourages friendship and understanding between South Africa's varied communities. The Duke and Duchess also got to view the first known manuscript of the Qu’ran in Africa, drafted by Tuan Guru from memory, whilst he was imprisoned on Robben Island. ••• Heritage Day celebrated the great diversity of cultures, beliefs and traditions that make up the rainbow nation. Bo Kaap streets filled with colour and music while Their Royal Highnesses were welcomed to one of the most vibrant neighbourhoods in Cape Town. The area has seen inter-community tension rise over the last few years, yet days like today show how faith, traditions, food and music bring people together, and celebrate the things that unite each and every one of us. #RoyalVisitSouthAfrica • Photo ©️ Shutterstock / PA images

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