
Направил забавен парк во дворот за неговите внуци

Ви здосади чекањето ред во забавните паркови? На Стив Добс од Фулертон, Калифорнија му здосадило одењето и гужвите во забавни паркови со своите сакани внуци, иако Дизниленд се наоѓал во нивното соседство, па решил да направи нешто навистина посебно, само за нив. 

Steve Dobbs shows off his  ride, The Madderhorn (cq) rollercoaster, in the backyard of his Fullerton home on June 1, 2016. Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 2:46:03 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Стив има 30 годишно искуство во аероспејс инжињерство за Боинг, а користејќи стари електирчни предмети кои сакале првично да ги фрлат, почанл да гради нешто интересно.

Во својот двор создал место каде неговите внуци можат да е забавуваат, а во исто време би поминувале со нив, што е од посебна радост за бабата и дедото.

Even though she's too little to actually ride it, Steve Dobbs pushes his granddaughter, Maisy (cq) McArthur, in his backyard rollercoaster, The Madderhorn (cq), in Fullerton on June 1, 2016. Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 2:34:28 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Mandy AcArthur climbs to the top of The Madderhorn (cq) rollercoaster in her father's Fullerton backyard on June 1, 2016.   Steve Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 2:24:31 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Steve Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his Fullerton backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 4:05:04 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Steve Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his Fullerton backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 2:58:06 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Micah McArthur, 6, rides through Tiny World, inspired by It's a Small World, in his grandfather's Fullerton backyard on June 1, 2016.   Steve Dobbs, a former Boeing aerospace engineer, built Disney-inspired rides in his backyard including an adult-sized roller coaster. He calls the collection of rides, Dobbsland. ///ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Slug: fnt.BackyardDisneyland.0609.jag, Day: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 (6/1/16), Time: 2:23:21 PM, Location:  Fullerton, California - Dobbsland - JEFF GRITCHEN, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

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