
Јога за двајца: Убавината на акро јогата

Јогата е древна дисциплина која го носи во совршена хармонија телото и умот, а акро јогата е нешто навистина интересно за гледање, но тешко и бара искуство и добра техника. 

Гледаме се повеќе луѓе како ја практикуваат акро јогата со нивните партнери, пријатели, јога учители. Има навистина интересни пози, а ова се едни од најубавите фотографии од акро јога пози, кои покрај неверојатните пози, имаат и прекрасен пејсаж што ја комплетира убавината на целата слика.

Love… Upside down? #acroyoga #love #soulmate #beach #ocean #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #life #sunset #bslance

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Be truthful, gentle and fearless- Gandhi? Day 2 of our #AcroYogaElemental is Straddle Throne. Use a spotter for safety. Bases make sure you’re grounded from shoulders to tailbone (engage abs and keep lower back glued to floor to protect your back) bend your knees and place feet as close to the hips as you can.? Flier will stand over the bases waist in goddess pose (sumo squat) with toes pointing out?hold palms with fliers hands inside and bases hands on outside?spotter should stand behind flyer with hands close to hips?base will place bottom pads of feet on flyers thighs close to knees and slowly lift flyer off ground as flyer leans slightly forward ?Flyer as soon as your feet leave the ground wrap your legs in front of bases legs(shins) while they have knees bent…then try sitting up by engaging your core and relaxing your hips and thighs?once base feels balance press flyer up into straddle throne? @yogaracheal and I did the advanced ninja version by slowly releasing one leg and trying different variations with our arms. Have fun, be safe. Check with @andrew7sealy for day 3? Thank you @horizonlightphotography for capturing this epic pic??

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Happy Sunday Funday!! Some rainy day acro w/ @lolathlete ✌️? #acroyoga #floatingcamel

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Simplistic. #acroyoga

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Reverse Star with @jillananda photo by @mattdayka #acroyoga #star #acro #reversestar

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